There was a time when Riverpoint Writer appeared online on the Phoenix University, but it appears that page is long gone or protected and allowed only for the students that study there. I've checked other websites and they all lead to the same page.
I recommend checking the following page and then if it's possible get in touch with the developers or university's representatives to find out the compatibility and availability of Riverpoint Writer.
Someone who has the same computer and same software had the same problem and went through hell and high water to get it installed on their laptop, but cannot remember how. Please help me!
Answer by
Alex Urbach
Please download a copy of Riverpoint Writer for Windows 7 32 or 64-bit and install it. When you select the operating system, make sure that you also choose the version of the Office package installed because if you choose a different version, you'll soon notice that it does not work and it will never install.
You will need to log in as a student because the download is restricted to students' accounts.
You just click that little blue "download" box and a free version will download to my laptop? If not, does anyone know where I can find a free version of this at all?
Answer by
Julia Bocchetta
The Riverpoint Writer is not available as a free download. This application is available for all the Phoenix University student. Access the official page and log-in with your username and details. The login form is located on the top-right area of the website. This is the only way to download RiverPoint Writer.
I downloaded Riverpoint Writer, but all that comes up when I click on it is Microsoft Word Starter. Where can I download Riverpoint Writer?
Answer by
Dan Angel
Riverpoint Writer is available only for Phoenix University students. You can download it from the official web page after you log in. If you don't have an account, you can create one using the form provided by the developers.
No, the application isn't compatible with the software you have mentioned. However, you have the possibility to use it with Microsoft Office package. The software is available as a DOT template. These templates are compatible only with Microsoft Office product. You can download the product through Google from the Microsoft website. One user posted a link to the application hosted on SkyDrive.
How can I find Riverpoint Writer to download on my computer? I used to have it and had to restart my computer and now I cannot find it to re-download.
Answer by
Sean Hill
If the application was deleted, you need to log-in on the university website to acquire it. This application is not publicly available. It can only be downloaded from the website mentioned above.
To install Riverpoint Writer, first you need to log-in on the campus website with your credentials. Scroll down the page and select Riverpoint Writer link. Once the page loaded, click to select the OS from the first menu and the version of Office from the second menu. Download the package, run it as Administrator and that's it. Follow the instructions and the application should install normally.
Does Riverpoint Writer support the APA 7th Edition?
No it does not. There has not been an update to Riverpoint Write nor is one planned (at least I haven't found a reference for a planned update).
There was a time when Riverpoint Writer appeared online on the Phoenix University, but it appears that page is long gone or protected and allowed only for the students that study there. I've checked other websites and they all lead to the same page.
I recommend checking the following page and then if it's possible get in touch with the developers or university's representatives to find out the compatibility and availability of Riverpoint Writer.
Someone who has the same computer and same software had the same problem and went through hell and high water to get it installed on their laptop, but cannot remember how. Please help me!
Please download a copy of Riverpoint Writer for Windows 7 32 or 64-bit and install it. When you select the operating system, make sure that you also choose the version of the Office package installed because if you choose a different version, you'll soon notice that it does not work and it will never install.
You will need to log in as a student because the download is restricted to students' accounts.
You just click that little blue "download" box and a free version will download to my laptop? If not, does anyone know where I can find a free version of this at all?
The Riverpoint Writer is not available as a free download. This application is available for all the Phoenix University student. Access the official page and log-in with your username and details. The login form is located on the top-right area of the website. This is the only way to download RiverPoint Writer.
I downloaded Riverpoint Writer, but all that comes up when I click on it is Microsoft Word Starter. Where can I download Riverpoint Writer?
Riverpoint Writer is available only for Phoenix University students. You can download it from the official web page after you log in. If you don't have an account, you can create one using the form provided by the developers.
This question has already been tackled here.
No, the application isn't compatible with the software you have mentioned. However, you have the possibility to use it with Microsoft Office package. The software is available as a DOT template. These templates are compatible only with Microsoft Office product. You can download the product through Google from the Microsoft website. One user posted a link to the application hosted on SkyDrive.
How can I find Riverpoint Writer to download on my computer? I used to have it and had to restart my computer and now I cannot find it to re-download.
If the application was deleted, you need to log-in on the university website to acquire it. This application is not publicly available. It can only be downloaded from the website mentioned above.
To install Riverpoint Writer, first you need to log-in on the campus website with your credentials. Scroll down the page and select Riverpoint Writer link. Once the page loaded, click to select the OS from the first menu and the version of Office from the second menu. Download the package, run it as Administrator and that's it. Follow the instructions and the application should install normally.